The Love Story of Christmas began before the creation of time. . .
Our faith does not create the Christmas story.
It originated in the mind of a loving God before He created man in His image.
He created us to be loving.
By His design . . .
mothers nurture love in their children.
Love by definition is an affectionate concern for others.
It requires a community.
- A lover…
- an object of affection, or beloved…
- and an awareness or spirit of love between.
The Father, Son, and Spirit of traditional Christianity …
The three distinct personalities that make one loving creator.
Without an inseparable community of three, God cannot be love.
Can you find footprints, images of God’s trinity, or personality of love in His creation?
We measure volume in three distinctively different ways…
1. height…
2. length…
3. depth…
but they make one inseparable space.
Which of these four is the most important?
Can love exist with a domineering self-centered lover?
God reveals Himself as an equally affectionate community of three. . .
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
They are not selfish…
this would be the opposite of love.
Love is the glory of God, and the Bible says we often fall short of that glory.
Yet the Christmas story isn’t about our sin.
The Christmas story reveals God’s awesome ability to nurture love in the human soul. . . which of course were His intentions before the beginning of time.
This holiday season, prayerfully consider giving a gift of consolation to grieving families in your community. Learn more at our devotional website
. . . Meditate in His Presence day and night . . .

Psalm 1 (paraphrase)
photos courtesy photographers