What better way to communicate affection to His creation than becoming a part of that creation?
Mary and Joseph’s love for the baby Messiah Jesus was incubated in the heart of man from the days of Adam and Eve.
Love cannot be forced with a domineering spirit.
Father, Son, and Spirit have an inherit affection for one another.
Our love must reflect their love . . .
Love is seeded, watered, and nurtured by love…
For generations God carefully crafted love in the heart of believers.
Each generation was given opportunity to believe and desire God’s goodness and forgiveness through a promised messiah. . .
and for hundreds of years believers looked forward to our messiah.
Then with all the anticipation and expectancy of a child waiting to open their presents on Christmas day. . .
Jesus was born.
He is abundantly above all that we could expect in a loving Creator…
And that’s the true Christmas story…
the miracle of Christmas isn’t in the virgin birth,
but the love that He compels in the heart of believers.
Without Easter, Christmas has no promise of hope.
This concept is core to our faith.
God is bigger than big, and older than time, and will always be loving and kind!
His goal is to express an all-powerful affection and forgiveness to all mankind,
but His love cannot be coerced,
so it must be free to all who believe
that the God of creation loves me!
Luke 2
Learn more about the gift of everlasting life at our devotional website thoughts4loss.com.
. . . Meditate in His Presence day and night . . .

Psalm 1 (paraphrase)
photos courtesy unsplash.com photographers